Out of the mouths of…4 year olds (a guest post by Laura Loewen)

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

10426662_888760874035_6419174146328357531_n“I’m in the process of being schooled. Schooled BIG time.

By this pint-sized stud muffin here:

Meet Landon, my 4-year-old son. He may be loud, talk incessantly, and occasionally ruffle the feathers of his siblings, but man ALIVE does that boy have a heart for Jesus.

Always one to ask if we can pray, laying hands on his siblings and earnestly asking the Lord for their healing {with such toddler hardships like pinched fingers}, he believes in the power of prayer. Landon knows, even at his young age, that he serves the Living God, and that nothing is too big or too small for The Almighty.

While making a loooonng trek home from my mom’s house this afternoon, we stopped at a rest area. Landon got quite the Jesus twitch as he, in his most precious high-pitched little boy voice declared: “Mama! I need to tell someone about the Gospel! Can I go right up there and tell someone about the Gospel?” “You bet, bud!” I replied and let him know I’d be praying for him.

I watched as my sweet boy stopped the first woman he saw – a stylish looking woman probably in her 60’s. “Can I tell you about Jesus?” my husband later reported back Landon began the conversation.

The woman looked puzzled at Jason, my husband, and he happily stepped in to repeat parts of the message when necessary.
“I want to tell you about Jesus!” Landon stated giddily with his entire body. The kind woman agreed he could, so on he went…

“G – God created us to be with Him
O- Our sins separate us from God
S- Sins cannot be removed by good deeds
P- Paying the price for sin, Jesus died and rose again
E- Everyone who trusts in Him alone has eternal life and…
L – Life with Jesus starts now and lasts forever!”

Landon sucked in some breath then asked “So, that’s it! Do you know Jesus now?”

The pure simplicity of that makes my heart sore and brings tears to my eyes. Landon, my superhero-loving Kindergartner, the same one that feeds his brother mac ‘n cheese while they’re both in their undies…this same sweet boy of mine LOVES Jesus. More than that, he gets it.

And many times, like the instance today, I think he gets it more often than I do.

Landon understands that sharing the Gospel in urgent. He knows that it’s greatest story that hardly ever told, and he’s embraced that to love others is to share this good news.

Oh, to have the heart of a child. To have that tenderness, that way with others that we as adults will never again know.
I’m the one who thinks, prays, plans about sharing the Gospel. Then there’s Landon.

He just DOES it.

We’re trying to raise him to believe: “Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity.” – 1 Timothy 4:12

What an honor that we can spur on young people to live into the fullness that Christ has called them to be.

What a joy that we as adults can be that salt + light our Savior was talking about, and has call US to be.

Bless that boy. I want to be more like him when I grow up.”

To find out more about Laura follow her on Twitter here or check out her blog here.

Speaking of sharing the gospel have you downloaded the FREE Dare 2 Share mobile app? It will give you the tools you need to, like little Landon, share the good news of Jesus with those you meet.

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