Top 10 Bad Resolutions for Christians

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

1. To yell “an angel just got his wings” every time someone’s cell phone rings.

2. To use sign twirling as a cutting edge evangelistic method.

3. To read through the Bible in a year…while wearing a onesie on your front porch.

4. To use public restrooms as evangelistic opportunities. (I’ve done this. It’s awkward.)

5. To protest anything for any reason whatsoever.

6. To start praying in a closet…at a new home construction site.

7. To speed in your car on purpose so you can evangelize police officers.

8. To yell “AMEN!” more in church…during the announcements.

9. To buy Financial Peace University from E-Bay at double the price with your credit card.

10. To get an evangelistic tattoo…for your toddler.

This of my top 10 bad resolutions for Christians. What am I missing?

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