What are you doing to reach the next generation for Christ?

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

“I will utter hidden things, things from of old—things we have heard and known, things our ancestors have told us. We will not hide them from their descendants; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD, his power, and the wonders he has done.” Psalm 78:2-4

Are you telling the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord? Are you reaching your kids, your kids’ friends and your friends’ kids with the good news of Jesus? Are you mobilizing the Christian teens you to know to reach their friends with the message of the gospel?

Here are three quick, yet powerful reasons to reach the next generation with the message and mission of Jesus:

1. The vast majority of people who trust in Jesus as their Savior do so before the age of 18.

2. Christian teenagers can be mobilized to reach their friends for Christ quickly and effectively.

3. If Christian teens are trained and unleashed to reach their circle of influence for Christ this nation can be transformed from the inside out and the bottom up.

As a former preaching pastor and church planter I can tell you with firm conviction that I did not get into youth ministry because it was cute. I chose to go into youth ministry because it was strategic.

If I were a business man I would focus on the demographic that was most likely to, not only buy my product, but sell it to their friends. Well guess what? In the Christian world teenagers are the most likely demographic to accept Jesus and get their friends to do the same. It confounds me that the church at large is not deploying more human and financial resources to mobilize them for this cause!

Refuse to underestimate God’s heart for the next generation. He chose a teen girl named Esther to save a nation, a teen boy named David to win a battle and a rag tag group of mostly teenagers (that we call disciples) to shake the world. If God chooses to focus on “the foolish things of the world to confound the wise” then so must we.

So how do you strart? Here’s an easy way to begin reaching the next generation with the message and mission of Jesus: consider making a generous year-end gift to the ministry of Dare 2 Share.

For every $23 you give you are mobilizing one teenager for a full year. $23 is the unfunded portion of the Dare 2 Share training conference plus a year of weekly online support (aka “Soul Fuel”) for each of these students.

Each teenager you mobilize has an immediate potential reach of at least one hundred other teens. That means a gift of $230 mobilizes 10 teenagers to evangelize. These teens collectively could reach 1,000 of their online and face-to-face friends as a result.

Click here to make your generous gift to mobilize teenagers right now.

Also be sure to check out all of the resources (most of them free) on dare2share.org to download helpful articles, devotionals and podcasts to help you help teens to share their faith.

Last but certainly not least, please be sure to pray for us as we seek to inspire and equip churches across the nation to deploy teenagers for THE Cause of Christ. In the words of Andrew Murray, “The link between our impotence and God’s omnipotence is intercession.” Will you intercede on our behalf and on behalf of the next generation? Will your let your prayers be the link between our inability and God’s sovereignty?

Together we can “tell the next generation of the praiseworthy deeds of our Lord….” Together we can reach this nation for Christ one teenager at a time.

Can I get an amen? On second thought keep your amen. Amens come cheap. Instead can I get you to take action right now?

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