7 BIG reasons to bring your teenagers to the Dare 2 Share FEARLESS Tour

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

FearlessWe are two weeks out from a 9 city tour where teenagers and youth leaders are going to be inspired and equipped to fearlessly serve Jesus and share his good news with their peers. I am really pumped about the Fearless Tour. As a matter of fact I don’t want one teenager or youth leader to miss out on it. This is going to be, by God’s grace, a game-changing weekend for both the teenagers and youth leaders who attend.

Here are 7 BIG reasons you should bring your teenagers to #D2SFearless:

1. The drama this year is powerful. We just finished three days of rehearsals and, believe me when I tell you, your teenagers are going to be motivated to share the message of Jesus with their friends when it is over. But it’s also powerful on a deeply personal level for teenagers. This drama, nicknamed “The Room“, will make teenagers look at spiritual warfare and the urgency of evangelism is a totally different light. For those teens who don’t know Jesus it will open the door for them to trust in Jesus right then.

2. We are tackling issues of identity head on. Because this tour is based out of the book of Ephesians teenagers will discover their new identity in Christ. While Satan may whisper that they are “losers” the Spirit tells them, through the pen of the Apostle Paul in his letter to the Ephesians, they are “saints, sons and citizens.” When your teens look in the mirror it is our prayer that they see themselves differently from that moment on and, in so doing, dispel the lies of the Evil one.

3. We are going to be unveiling a brand new and super interactive faith sharing app. Sure, we have had our “Dare 2 Share” evangelism training app out for almost two years now. And in that two years over 40,000 teenagers and youth leaders have downloaded it to get trained to share their faith! But, for the first time, we have another app that is designed to be purely evangelistic. Teenagers will be trained to use it during the weekend and, of course, have an opportunity (or two or three) to engage someone in a Gospel conversation using this simple, yet powerful mobile app.

4. Youth leaders who attend can opt-in to be on the front-end of a movement to engage every teenager in North America in a Gospel conversation. After over two decades of training teenagers and youth leaders in evangelism and a major national research project we have discovered the seven values which are present and thriving in the highest performing youth ministries out there when it comes to evangelism and disciple-multiplication. Last Fall we traveled to 13 cities and identified the best-of-the-best outreach practices (based on these values) from Dare 2 Share alumni youth leaders. Doug Holliday (Executive Director of Sonlife North America) and your’s truly will be unpacking these values and best practices in one of the most important youth leader training I’ve ever been a part of. If for some reason you can’t bring your teenagers this year to Dare 2 Share, bring your adult sponsors and make sure you attend the youth leader session. If you desire to be on the front-end of a Gospel Advancing movement then you need to be there.

5. This is going to be a fun one. Not to give away every sketch but teenagers are going to have plenty of time to come up for air (from the pretty heavy content of Ephesians) to laugh along with the sketches. This year’s drama troupe is not only full of great actors but great singers and dancers! It’s going to be a whole lot of fun, and somebody could pull a hamstring in the process!

6. We are going to have another prayer meeting. Last year at Dare 2 Share’s Reverse Tour we had a prayer meeting that was more powerful than even I anticipated. Many teenagers and youth leaders told me it was the highlight of last year’s tour. We are going to be doing it differently this tour but we are going to do it again. And I think it will be just as powerful!

7. Your teenagers will be reminded that their fearlessness to share the good news should be rooted in being unconditionally loved by Jesus. From the opening talk to the closing finale (which is powerful by the way) this will be a constant theme. We are fearless because he is fearless and he loves us unconditionally!

Whether you’ve gone to Dare 2 Share in the past and have decided to take a year off or you’ve never been to Dare 2 Share for whatever reason (timing, distance, perceptions, etc) I challenge you to reconsider. Come. Bring your saved, unsaved, apathetic (and pathetic!) 🙂 Get your teenagers inspired and trained to live and share their faith fearlessly. And get inspired and equipped yourself to build a Gospel advancing, disciple-multiplying ministry. And meet hundreds of other youth leaders in your city, state and region who are doing the same!

For more information on the Fearless Tour click here.

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