Free? Did you say free?

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

Hey Youth Leaders,

Many of you know from attending our conferences and being familiar with Dare 2 Share that we have a great partnership with interlinc. They stand alone as the music and media resource for you, Youth Leaders. They are offering a one-time FREE download of the latest YLO Book. Dare 2 Share wanted to make sure that you had the opportunity to take advantage of this no-strings attached offer. Did I mention it’s totally FREE?!?!?! Check out the download.

Click here!

Here’s to reaching teenagers with the Gospel of Jesus Christ as we work togther: Dare 2 Share, Youth Leader and interlinc!

Radical Like Jesus

21 Challenges to Live a Revolutionary Life

You are meant for more. God has called you to live a radical life for Him — one that makes a lasting impact on this world. Like Jesus did.

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