Calling all who took the Double Dare in Denver!

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

The Survive Conference rocked the Pepsi Center last weekend! Somewhere around 9,000 teenagers and adults filled this sports venue with the screams, chants and excitement that would rival any Avs or Nuggets game!

Results? A late night recount on Saturday night confirmed 20 tons of canned food collected for the Denver Rescue Mission, 500 trusted in Jesus Christ as their Savior on Friday night and at least 70% of the attendees took the Dare 2 Share Double Dare (to share Jesus with everyone you know in God’s timing, in God’s power and with God’s love and to start with one person within the next 48 hours!) So I have to ask all those who took the Double Dare to share your Double Dare story! Let me know about someone you know who you got to share the good news of Jesus with after the conference!

For those of you who haven’t taken the Double Dare yet go to and take it right now. If you don’t know how to share the gospel you can watch a 30 minute podcast there of me training you how to share your faith!

If you have taken the Double Dare make sure you go there and forward the dare to a friend or, better yet, to ALL your Christian friends!!!

I triple dog dare you!!!

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