Columbus…the morning after

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

It’s Sunday morning, the day after the Columbus conference. All I can say is “wow”. God did some amazing things!

Well over 5,000 were registered for the event. Final count of canned food collected for the Salvation Army was 9 tons. In addition 159 children were sponsored through Compassion! Tons of people came to Christ on Friday night and during the outreach experience (we have no way of tracking exact numbers for this!)

I can’t tell you how many teenagers I talked to who made life altering decisions that weekend. Whether it was regarding telling their friends about Jesus, fulling committing themselves to Christ as King of their lives or staying sexually pure, these teenagers made some powerful decisions.

And the Double Dare rocked. Zane told his powerful story and God used it to compel maybe 70% or more of the audience to take the Double Dare. If you took the Double Dare and are ready to share your story of sharing Jesus with that one friend (and your plan to share Jesus with your “list” of friends) please leave a comment below. If you want to know more about the Double Dare and how you can take it click here, watch the podcast and then sign the pledge.

I double dare you.

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