Every Teen Everywhere!

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

We just finished our first Global Summit at Dare 2 Share. It was powerful.

We had 8 key leaders representing 5 countries for the last four days in the beautiful mountains of Colorado strategizing how to reach every teen eveywhere with the hope of Jesus! God revealed to us enough of his divine blueprint for moving forward for us all to feel like it was a huge success!

Stefano (Italy), Don/Ashley (South Africa), Corey (Switzerland), Callum/Jazlyn (Australia) and Debbie/Mark/me (USA) all were super blessed to be a part of it!


I gave every participant of our first Global summit a copy of a poem I wrote a few months ago called “Every teen everywhere.” It expresses our prayer that God raises up a world-wide movement of teen-to-teen Gospel conversations!

Every teen needs the hope

That only Jesus can provide.

They’re wandering in the darkness

And he longs to be their guide.


Like lost sheep in the wilderness

They’re tired and scared and cold.

Waiting for someone to find them,

The Shepherd of their souls.


It’s only Christ and Christ alone

Who can save them from their sin.

Only the message that Jesus died

Can bring new life within.


But who will tell them of his love?

Who will reach them all?

Who will stand up to be counted

And answer God’s high call?


We all answer with a “YES!

Before him we will bow.

The time is short. The need is great

The question is, “but how?


Let’s call the church to be the church

Both here and, yes, abroad,

As we unleash a generation

For THE Cause of God.


Let’s energize the Bride of Christ

To mobilize the youth

To Gospelize a generation

By giving them the truth.


One billion teens on this planet

Headed for demise.

Now is the time for action!

Now we must arise!


And when we hear the trumpet sound

We’ll go to be with Christ

We’ll take with us a generation

And leave this world of strife.


When we stand before the Lord

And our race on earth is done.

From teens we’ll hear the “thank you’s

But from Christ we’ll hear “Well done!”


By Greg Stier for the Global Summit Leaders July 10, 2017

Pray with us that God continues to use these leaders in powerful ways and unleashes this movement in every country. Let’s reach every teen everywhere with the hope of Jesus!

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