Flight Training for Teen Evangelism

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier


Helping your teenagers share their faith is like teaching them to fly a plane. Although it doesn’t take nearly as much training to get started, they do need to master the basics from “take off to touchdown.” As their primary instructor during this process you need to cover at least four areas for them to have a successful flight.

Pre-Flight Checklist:

Make sure your teenagers are prayed up and powered up (Ephesians 6:10.) This will ensure that they have enough of the right fuel in their spiritual gas tanks and are being propelled by the Spirit of God instead of their own efforts.

Taking off:  

Here’s where it’s important to teach teenagers to Ask, Admire and Admit. Teach them to learn how to ask great questions. This is when they can really learn how to get to know somebody better. As they continue to ask questions they can discover what someone believes about God. This is when they look for the areas of someone’s belief system they can admire (Like Paul did with the pagan Athenians in Acts 17: 19-23). Finding common ground opens up portals through potential storm clouds that your teenagers can fly through. Finally, your teenagers can admit the reason they are Christians is that they are so messed up they needed Jesus to save them.

This approach to sharing the Gospel seeks to engage not enrage so that those hearing the Gospel don’t feel attacked. After all, the Gospel means “good news” and we need to share it in a hopeful and helpful way…especially as we are “taking off.

For more on taking off using Ask, Admire and Admit check this video out…

Taking Flight:

Once your teenagers learn how to take off train them how to take flight and get to their desired destination by sharing the Gospel message. At Dare 2 Share we use a GOSPEL acrostic to help teenagers explain the Good News:

God created us to be with him.  (Genesis 1,2)

Our sin separates us from God. (Genesis 3)

Sins cannot be removed by good deeds.  (Genesis 4-Malachi 4)

Paying the price for sin Jesus died and rose again. (Matthew-Luke)

Everyone who trusts in him alone has eternal life. (John)

Life with Jesus starts now and lasts forever.  (Acts -Revelation)

Once teenagers memorize these six points they can begin to make them their own and explain the good news in a clear, compelling and comprehensive way. These six points are like markers on the flight of understanding that will help an unbeliever truly “get there” when it comes to embracing the Gospel message.

Landing the Plane:

When it comes to helping a person come to a point of decision two questions can help:

1.  Does that make sense?

2.  Is there anything holding you back from putting your faith in Jesus right now?

These are the very basics of teaching a teenager to share the good news from take off to touchdown. Of course I didn’t have time to explain “how to deal with turbulence” along the way or “what to do if someone is not quite ready to put their faith in Jesus” but there’s only so much you can cover in a blog post.

For more training on these subjects have your teenagers download the free Dare 2 Share app, purchase our version of a flight manual, the Dare 2 Share Field Guide, or get your teenagers out to a Dare 2 Share conference where they will be equipped and unleashed to take flight!

Teaching our teenagers to fly high when it comes to sharing the Gospel is important work. Make sure you have the tools and training to get them there!

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