America is spiraling out of control morally.
Sin runs rampant, with lawlessness in the streets, an overt acceptance of gender- and sex-related sins, the killing of millions of unborn babies, a river of muck and immorality flowing out of Hollywood into our living rooms through our devices, and a government that has largely forsaken its official national motto: In God we trust.
Why politics aren’t the ultimate answer
Many people, especially in a presidential election year, look to government for the answers. But as Christians, we must move past politics for the solution. As the psalmist exhorts:
Do not put your trust in princes, in human beings, who cannot save.
Psalm 146:3
Both Scripture and history affirm that ultimately all human solutions will fall short.
Yes, we need to vote and do what we can now to stem the tide of moral decay. But, in the big picture, this approach is merely putting a band-aid on a brain tumor.
John Adams, the second U.S. president, said in 1798 in a letter to the officers of the Massachusetts militia:
Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
With a larger percentage of the population (28%) than at any other time in U.S. history identifying as religious “nones,” meaning they’re not affiliated with any religion, we’re starting to put Adams’s assertion to the test—a test that we’re in danger of failing.
America’s only way out
What America needs is a sweeping spiritual awakening, from churches to schools, from workplaces to universities, from neighborhoods to community centers.
Transformed hearts (through evangelism) and renewed minds (through discipleship) will lead to more disciples being made and multiplied.
A widespread move of God would lead to more and more moral people, firmly grounded in God’s Word, which would lead to moral policies being enacted and moral people being elected.
Do what you can during this current election season (pray, vote, make your voice heard), but most importantly, start making disciples who make disciples in your own sphere of influence. Mobilize the young people in your world for the cause of Christ (Matthew 28:18-20). Pray for and push for revival.
It will do far more to change our nation long-term than any political action we could take now.
It’s not too late for America—if revival strikes.