It’s time to take a stand and fight for teenagers!

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

We are in an epic battle for the hearts and souls of the next generation and, right now, we are losing that battle.

From school shootings to suicide to porn addiction to the opioid epidemic the headlines and statistics regarding “Generation Z” (the current and coming generation of teenagers) are overwhelming and depressing.


And, according to the latest Barna report, Generation Z is twice as likely to be atheists as adults are. This report calls these teenagers the first genuinely post Christian generation in the history of the United States.

But behind all of these discouraging statistics we secretly know that there is something even more sinister lurking.

And that something is actually a someone…and his name is Satan.

In John 8:44 here’s what Jesus says about Satan, “He was a murderer from the beginning. He has always hated the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, it is consistent with his character; for he is a liar and the father of lies.”

In this verse Jesus calls Satan what he really is…a habitually lying serial killer.

Every single day he deceives another teenager into pulling the trigger (suicide, school shooting, gangland murder, etc) or downing the pills to drown out the pain…forever. The Devil comes to steal, kill and destroy. He wants to steal their innocence, kill their hopes and destroy their lives.

Satan and his army of fallen angels are organized to terrorize. And that is just what they are doing. They are terrorizing the next generation at unprecedented levels.

So what’s the answer? Ephesians 6:10-11 tells us, “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.”

The phrase “take your stand” in this passage means “hold your ground.” The idea is of a soldier getting pushed back by the enemy until he finally says “enough is enough!” He’ll either hold his ground or die where he stands with sword in hand.

In that same spirit, here is where we take our stand. We’re saying “no more!” We’ll either push back Satan or die where we stand with sword in hand. And we’re not only going to stand our ground, by God’s grace, we’re going to take back ground until every teen is reached with the hope of Jesus.

We are going to energize the church to mobilize youth to Gospelize their world. We aren’t going to stop until every teenager has every last chance to put their faith in Jesus! There are 330,000 churches in America and there are only 67,000 high schools and middle schools. For every school there are 5 churches that can surround them in prayer, love and hope!

What’s your plan to take a stand and fight for teenagers? At Dare 2 Share we have a plan and we invite you to join us!

By God’s grace we are going to reach a generation through a generation. We are going to equip teenagers to reach the bad, broken, bullied (and the bullies) with the hope of Jesus! We are going to inspire, equip and unleash teenagers to reach Generation Z with the Gospel!

Last year we made the switch from doing a full scale national conference tour every Spring (for the last 25 years) to doing a single day simulcast for one main reason, scalability. We realized that, if there were one billion teenagers worldwide and 26 million teenagers nationwide, there was no way to reach them all using a typical conference approach.

On September 23rd, 2017 we trained 10,000 teenagers in a single day in 68 satellite sites around the nation (! Not only did these teens get inspired, equipped and unleashed to share the Gospel, but we discovered a scalable strategy that could eventually saturate an entire nation in teen-led Gospel conversations.

With God’s blessing, as Dare 2 Share Live grows over the next few years I believe that hundreds of thousands of teens could be equipped to reach millions of teenagers with the Gospel in a single day!

We look forward to doing Dare 2 Share Live again on October 13th, 2018. Our prayer is to train 25,000+ teenagers in 100 satellite sites across the nation…and unleash them to begin to rescue hundreds of thousands of other teenagers!

After we train the teenagers we’ll equip the youth leaders to build a Gospel Advancing culture year round. In the power of the Spirit, we’ll equip them to train all their teenagers to pray for, care for and share the Gospel with all of their friends!

The trajectory of the rejection of the historic Christian faith is skyrocketing in the United States. Satan is gaining ground. And we must take it back. Dare 2 Share Live will help us do just that. It will be a rally point for revival until every teen everywhere hears the Gospel from a friend.

We must take a stand against the devil’s schemes. And we must also take a knee in prayer, asking God to bring revival to this generation through Dare 2 Share Live. Why must we take a knee in prayer? Because only in the power of God can such a radical plan be accomplished! Because only through the power of Christ can the Devil be defeated! Because the battle is ultimately won on our knees!

Will you take a knee with us by setting the alarm on your phone to 10:13 everyday to pray for revival to reverberate across America on October 13th? Will you consider becoming a satellite site for this powerful event? Click here for more information on how to become a satelilte site for Dare 2 Share Live in your city!

It’s time to take back ground! Through God’s power, let’s take it back together!

Fighting for every teenager,

Radical Like Jesus

21 Challenges to Live a Revolutionary Life

You are meant for more. God has called you to live a radical life for Him — one that makes a lasting impact on this world. Like Jesus did.

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