My 2020 Vision for the Church

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

I have a vision for the church in 2020, actually for the entire decade. A growing number of believers (including me) are nicknaming the next ten years, “The Roaring Twenties.” Because we believe the Lion of Judah will roar like never before through his primary voice to the world, the Church.

With that in mind, here’s my 2020 vision:

…I see believers uniting together in the Name of Christ and the power of the Spirit for the glory of the Father to advance God’s Name and Fame to a world steeped in darkness.

golden wheat field and sunny day

…I see churches coming together in a unity that is so radical and Biblical that there will be no doubt that Christ is our King and the Gospel is our Cause as we work together to tear down the strongholds of racism, class-ism and every “ism” that poisons this world.

…I see Christ’s prayer in John 17:23 being fulfilled in the church, “so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.”

…I see the Gospel message being carried to every corner of every country on every Continent.

…I see teenagers leading the way and setting the pace for revival and transformation because, according to 1 Corinthians 1:27, God has chosen “the foolish things of the world to shame the wise.”

…I see youth leaders, pastors and parents finally seeing teenagers as strategic and coming together to mobilize them to advance the Gospel to their massive networks of online and face-to-face friends.

…I see revival striking fast and hard as young people and old usher in this New Year with prayer and fasting, resulting in massive momentum when it comes to the spread of the Gospel.

This is what I see. I see it in my mind and heart.

This is my prayer, not my prophesy. I am not a prophet or the son of a prophet. But this is what I’m planning for, working for and praying for in the power of Christ.

I want to play my part in, what I believe will be, the next Great Awakening that  God will use to shake the world during the Roaring Twenties.

This is what I see. See it with me.  

This is what I’m praying for and fasting for. Pray and fast for it with me.

This is what I’m working for. Work for it with me.

May this be the most spiritually fruitful decade in the history of humanity.

This is what I see. Will you see it, to completion, with me?

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