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Chicago…what a way to end the tour!

Greg Stier
Greg Stier

Almost 5,000 teenagers gathered in the Sears Centre. Hundreds trusted in Jesus as their Savior. Thousands made life-changing decisions. And Jeremy (my seven year old) came out on stage to share the gospel hand, double dare everyone to share their faith and walk and talk like a robot for no apparent reason. He ended up in the lobby signing autographs. It cracked me up.

Oh yeah…the vast majority of the teenagers in attendance took the Double Dare. Were you one of them? If so do tell me your 48 Hour or Cell phone challenge story. I really want to hear it!

Unlikely Fighter

#1 new release in Evangelism on Amazon

The story of how a fatherless street kid overcame violence, chaos, and confusion to become a radical Christ follower.

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