Eight years ago today it was sunny
The Colorado sky was so bright.
The Rocky Mountains on my left side,
The broad eastern planes to my right.
Eight years ago I was sitting
With six youth leaders in a room
None of us knowing that minutes away
That brightness was about to turn gloom.
In burst the pastor with news
He begged each one of us to pray.
Something horrible at Columbine
Making the innocent pay.
Eight years ago I wept
As the news become more and more clear
I wept as I watched the news unfold
I prayed more with each streaming tear.
I cried as I drove down to Columbine
To comfort these teens in their grief.
I wept as I drove home that dark night.
Then I cursed the real culprit and thief.
At the core of it all was the devil
Not just two angry teens with some guns.
The evil one was having his way
Satan was having his fun.
Eight years ago I resigned from my church
And took a new mission to heart.
To reach out to the next generation
To pray for revival to start.
Five days ago it was sunny
The Colorado sky was so bright.
I got the news of the shooting
And re-committed myself to the fight.
Greg Stier April 20, 2007