Okay we’re taking the plunge. We’ve decided to go for GOSPEL Journey Maui. Between January 6th and 13th of 2008 we are going to gather six or seven late teen or early twentysomethings on the island of Maui and do a second version of GOSPEL Journey.
height=”96″ />The first one is still selling strong and, by God’s grace, making a huge impact on youth groups and churches. We are discovering more and more adults “borrowing” it from their youth departments and using it in their small groups and/or Sunday schools. Cool stuff!
The second installment is going to be TOTALLY DIFFERENT than the first one: different teens, different perspectives. We may even have a Mormon and a Muslim…Oh my!
Instead of me doing a lecture and then letting teens ask questions it’s going to be totally interactive. I’m going to ask a question each day like “Is there a God? If so, who is he or she?” And then we are all going to engage in discussion and debate. Who knows we may even have a Jerry Springer moment or two.
Zane Black, the “guide” on the first GOSPEL Journey, is going to join us again (his good cop to my bad cop). And no sheep will be killed, maimed or otherwise harmed during the filming of this project.
How can you help? PRAY! We need to raise $330,000 to underwrite this expensive venture. So far we have a wopping $1,200 raised. Pray that God brings the right people to become underwriters of this powerful project. Pray that God brings the right young people to be a part of this project. Pray that God gives Zane and me the right words at the right time to lead them to faith in Jesus.
If the timeline stays what it is this should be available for our Fall 2008 conferences. And, no, we don’t need any volunteers (just in case you were tempted to post a comment to that end)