It’s hard to believe that Dare 2 Share is here, once again, in beautiful downtown Lincoln! This town, er, village, er, city may be small in size compared to an Omaha or Denver but it is HUGE in heart. Every year the city of Lincoln, Nebraska throws its arms wide open to greet us and we gladly reciprocate.
The attendance of our Lincoln conference as compared to some of our largest cities is pretty amazing. The attendance here smokes Atlanta, Seattle, Phoenix and Columbus (yes, I’m taunting you other cities…take a cue from my cornhusking friends and bring your friends to your own Dare 2 Share conference!:)
As a matter of fact the Lincoln Dare 2 Share Conference is our third largest in attendance. First and second is pretty much a draw between Denver and St. Louis (around 9,000) and Lincoln is already at 6,500! Why not more? Because we can’t really hold that much more at the Pershing Center!
What really excites me is not just the number of teenagers, youth groups and churches attending, it’s the potential impact of all of them when they return to their communities spread across Nebraska, South Dakota, Iowa, etc….
God is raising up an army of evangelists to lovingly, gently, confidently proclaim the Name and fame of Jesus to all their friends! God is going to use them in BIG ways to make a difference in their neighborhoods and campuses!
Okay, I can’t believe what I’m about to type….
Go Big Red!
Call me a sell out. No, better yet, call Lincoln a sell out.