Letters from Hell on Nightline!

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

Wow! When I wrote Letters from Hell twenty years ago I never imagined it would be played on Nightline (part of it anyway!) My wife shocked me out of a dead sleep yelling, “They’re playing ‘Letters from Hell’ on TV!”

Two decades ago I was preaching at a camp in Glendo, Wyoming and came up with the idea of what it would feel like to receive a letter from a friend that died and went to hell, a friend that I never told about Jesus. I wrote in the letter all of the things I imagined they would say to me including the big, “Why didn’t you tell me about Jesus?” question. I wasn’t sure how effective it would be when I preached that “hell” sermon at that dusty little camp. I was shocked how many teens responded. Tons of kids came to Christ. Now Letters from Hell is the basis of one of our dramas at Dare 2 Share (during the Blaze tour). Maybe a book is even in the works? Hmmmmm. Stay tuned.

I guess the producers of Nightline were doing a special on godtube (a Christian version of youtube) and caught a glimpse of a video that we allowed a youth group to do based on the Letters from Hell CD. It’s my voice, our sound effects and their video images…pretty cool! Just go to www.godtube.com and search for Letters from Hell.

In the last two weeks God has allowed Dare 2 Share to get on CNN, The Mike and Juliet Show, BBC World Radio, several international radio programs and, now, Nightline. When God causes the PR clouds to rain it pours (fire and brimstone in this instance!)

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