On the road again…

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

Omaha…Lincoln…Cincinnati…Columbus…Chicago…St. Louis…and more!

Yes, September begins my serious travel time. Why? No, not the conferences (they don’t start until November.) It’s mostly youth leader lunches and fundraising meetings.

While I love ministering to youth leaders and donors I don’t enjoy leaving my wife and kids every week for  three days at a pop. Please pray for my wife, Debbie, and my kids, Jeremy and Kailey, while I’m gone. Also please pray for these trips to be impacting and transformational.

For those of you who are in one of the above cities I hope to connect with you soon!

Radical Like Jesus

21 Challenges to Live a Revolutionary Life

You are meant for more. God has called you to live a radical life for Him — one that makes a lasting impact on this world. Like Jesus did.

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