Okay so I survived my wife’s twentieth high school reunion. It wasn’t nearly as painful as I had anticipated. As a matter of fact, it was kind of fun, except for the hour plus long video chocked full of long stretches of seemingly random video of their high school sporting events…I could hear the CSCS cheerleaders chanting “B-O-R-I-N-G…What’s that spell?” Other than that it was a pretty good time all in all.
It was especially fun to watch my wife interact with all of her high school friends. She stands out. I definitely am grateful to God for her. She is a very genuine, very loving and very strong person. I’m convinced that if I hadn’t married her then there is a good chance I wouldn’t have made the cut in ministry. God has used her to wear off many of my rougher edges.
On Tuesday we are doing an exclusive premiere of Superman Returns for alumni youth leaders in and around Denver. Why? Because we are huge movie buffs? Kind of. But there is a bigger (and much more spiritual) reason. We have been working hard to rework our e-team model to make it more effective. Over the last few months we have been doing a national test with our new model in key kinds of churches across the nation (Mega, postmodern, purpose-driven, urban, mainline, southern, rural, etc.) These churches have given us great input and on Tuesday in the Superman Returns theatre, I’m going to be unveiling this new model and the test results to a bunch of our alumni youth leaders.
I am returning safely from my wife’s twentieth reunion unscathed. Superman is returning from his twenty year or so movie theatre hiatus. And the e-team is returning bigger, better, stronger and faster.
Let’s hope and pray that our arch nemesis (not Lex Luthor but Satan) can’t find the Kryptonite. If he does we’ll just pray and look for a phone booth.
Gotta fly!