The “Illuminate” Youth Evangelism Conference for Texas and the Double Dare/Cell Phone challenge/story of James/could the title of this post possibly be any longer?

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

I just got back from good ole’ Texas and had the privilege of training a few thousand or so teenagers how to share the GOSPEL with their friends.  It was a great time.

Superchick and the Skit Guys were there on Saturday with me and helped make the day powerful and productive. The Skit Guys crack me up. They did a “Ways not to witness” skit that was drop dead funny (most of the audience eventually did drop dead unfortunately, more on that at the end of this post.)

The Double Dare went great. The vast majority took the stand to take the dare. It was powerful to see. We went right from there into the cell phone challenge.  Powerful.

I remember a kid named James coming up to me and telling me about how he got saved not too long ago and was having a hard time sharing Jesus at home. He called his brother during the cell phone challenge. As he began sharing the gospel his brother asked him abruptly, “James, why are you doing this?” James answered, “Because I love you.” Over the course of the next few minutes the Holy Spirit switched the lightbulb in his brother’s heart from off to on and he was reborn as a child of God.

With tears in his eyes James asked me to pray for him as he mustered the courage to write a letter to his dad, the letter of a lifetime, a plea to come to Jesus. I will pray for James. Will you join me?

As for the dead audience members I really wasn’t kidding. Many chose to die to themselves. They chose to, in the words of Jesus, to lose their lives so that they may find it.

What losers.

May we aspire to lose like them everyday and all the way.

If you were one of the teens at Illuminate leave a post and tell me about your 48 hour and/or cell phone challenge. I double dare you.


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