Two weeks to raise a few hundred thousand dollars

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

For those of you who don’t know it costs a lot to run a ministry like Dare 2 Share. We have 42 employees and a whole lot of expenses (conference venues, bands, office space, mailing costs, etc.) As a matter of fact our budget is around $5 Million Dollars this year. That’s a WHOLE lot of money.

Now you may be thinking that our big, loud Dare 2 Share conferences bring in all of the money necessary to fund the ministry. Not so my friend. The income from our conferences cover half of that overall budget. The other half we have to raise from donors.

Believe it or not out of those 42 people on the D2S payroll only one is dedicated to full time fundraising, Scott Harris. He is our major donor guy.

In addition I typically spend close to half of my day raising money. Usually this means hours on the phone calling my friends across Denver, Colorado and the United States who have a heart for this ministry and asking them to write the check, send the cash, ante up the credit card or make the transfer (for the glory of God!)

Some people tell me, “You must hate fundraising.” Oh contrar. I love it! I love asking people to invest in eternal causes. I love asking people to make an investment in a ministry like Dare 2 Share that is going to have exponential impact on this generation. It is indeed an honor and a privilege to join in what God is doing at Dare 2 Share.

Pray for us in these last two weeks of December. Scott and I (by God’s grace and through a ton of phone calls and meetings) have to raise a few hundred thousand dollars before toasts are exchanged (with sparkling apple cider of course) on New Year’s Eve.

And, by the way, if you love Dare 2 Share and would like to make a year end donation to unleash a generation to change their world click here and donate away! But before you do, won’t you make the commitment to share Jesus with someone before 1/1/07? If you don’t know how go to and find out! I’m asking you to consider making a year end gift to D2S. But more importantly I’m asking you to join our ranks of those who “dare to share.” We have a mission to accomplish together.

And please pray for Scott, me and the rest of our team as we do our year end push to fund this exciting  ministry.

P.S. We have received a $500,000 matching grant so gifts of $1,000 or more from new donors will be immediately matched!

P.S.S. Spread the word to your friends who love to give to eternal causes!

P.S.S.S. Gifts of $10 are appreciated too…pretty much any gift we take as a blessing from our Almighty God!

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