Welcome aboard Chicago!

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

Well here we are at our last conference city of the Game Day tour…Chicago. I want to be the first to welcome my friends form Chicago (Chicagoites? Chicagoens? Chi Town People?) aboard the Metro love train! Hey Chicago: I love your pizza and your people. But I loathe your tolls (and trolls?) What if there was a toll troll? He could demand loose change and live off pizza crust. That would be cool.

Maybe you can tell that I’m a little giddy to be in the big city. The first time I was in Chicago I was fifteen years old. I got lost in what I later found out was the toughest part of inner city Chicago. I wasn’t mugged or hugged. But I was helped by a very nice man who helped me get my bearings and find my way back to the group I came to Chicago with.

But I digress.

I can’t wait for this weekend. We’ll have somewhere around 3,000 in the windy city! This is our LARGEST first year city ever! My hope is that our Chicago conference blows up to be as big as Denver and St. Louis in a few short years.

My prayer is that God uses this weekend in big, big ways to start a spiritual revolution in and around the great city of Chicago through an army of God fearing, Scripture reading, Bible preaching, Jesus loving teen saints!

Watch out for them toll trolls and bring on the pizza!

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