With fear and trepidation…

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

To be honest I’m not a blog kind of guy. If my family members could read (just kidding I know one who can…the one reading this right now…you know who you are…keep this between you and me okay?) they would probably beat me up for doing such a bordering on pretty and witty and, shall we say, male ballerina kind of thing.

And while I’m on the subject of blogs, I have a confession to make: I don’t like most blogs. It seems like many of them are designed for people of a higher IQ who got beat up a lot in high school and now want to take out their pent up anger on intellectual weaklings (please don’t hurt me scary, smart blog man/woman/boy/girl!)

I don’t know what it is with these cyber-uber-e-nerds who love to read the same anti establishment books and for some reason all seem to listen to U2 and Coldplay (okay, I kind of like them too). For some reason the Christian ministry blog world has a lot of people who seem mad at something, at everything.

That’s why I have entered the blog world with fear and trepidation. I’m not angry or angst ridden. I’m a happy guy. I probably joke too much. I smile a lot. And I love life. I don’t feel like ranting at the church. I love the church.

Do I think it needs transformed? Sure! Do I feel that it needs a revolution? Of course! But I think that this change should come through prayer and persuasion, not through vendetta blogging. It should come through bent knees and outstretched arms, not through furrowed brows and raised fists.

So my hope is that this blog is kind of different. It’s designed to be fun and revolutionary. Here you will hear real stories from a real guy who happens to run a ministry called Dare 2 Share. I’ll probably joke around more than I should (sarcasm is my love language.) I’ll definitely push the envelope when it comes to challenging the status quo.

And I want your input. While I won’t be able to respond to all of your posts I guarantee you that I will read every one of them.

I hope to have guest bloggers, celebrity bloggers, youth leader bloggers (the real celebrities in my book) and teen bloggers. Hey, if we had a logger who was a blogger that would be pretty cool too.

As you enter my cyber world prepare to laugh, consider and do.

Who is the primary target audience of this blog? Those who, other than my family and friends, I love the most: teenagers and youth leaders. This site is designed for them to come, commune, laugh, love and share. It’s designed for the average Joe and Jolene who have a passion for Jesus and a desire to launch a positive revolution in their church.

WARNING: If you have an IQ above 120 and have a tendency toward hate debate, you may want to stop reading now and go somewhere else. Believe me, there are tons of highly brainiac blogs where your insightful input and persuasive pontification will be welcome, understood and applauded, but probably not here.

This website is for just-above-dumb guys like me.

This website is for the rebels with a cause and a smile who want to change their churches, their youth groups, their campuses and their communities.

This website is for those who want to be doers of the word and not bloggers only.

My hope is to hear real stories from real youth leaders who are getting it done when it comes to advancing the Great Commission, serving their communities, loving the lost and engaging their teens to engage their friends about Jesus. I want to hear real stories from average students with an above average passion for leading the revolution on their campuses and with their friends. I want to hear from youth groups who are reaching out to the hurting and the hopeless with the love of Jesus. I even want to hear from parents and pastors who are witnessing these positive changes in their homes, their communities and their churches.

So if you are excited about making a positive difference in your church or youth group or community…welcome.

If you are an angry blogger with a high IQ here is a remixed nursery rhyme for you, “Brain, Brain go away, come again…never!”

Jesus loves you but we can’t understand you.

We are those who still believe in the church: Big ones, little ones, Purpose Driven, Emergent, and Willow ones, Suburban, Rural and Urban ones. All the ones are a visible expression of the One we serve and love with all of our hearts.

  • We believe the gospel is enough to save a soul.
  • We believe in heaven, hell and judgment day.
  • We believe in being environmentally conscious and theologically solvent.
  • We believe in proclamational evangelism and social justice.
  • We believe in “both/and” not “either/or”
  • We believe that this first posting is kind of getting redundant.

So it’s done.

Welcome to my average Joe/Jolene e-world.

Think happy thoughts and buckle up for the revolution.

more to follow….

Radical Like Jesus

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