Writing Retreats, Mental Illness and Prayer

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

I’m going crazy.

I spent all day yesterday co-writing our brand new drama “Credo” with Paul Leavitt. It was a good, frustrating, productive and powerful day that I believe, by God’s grace, will provide another blockbuster Friday night drama for the Dare 2 Share tour next year.

Today I have to get to write a 4,000 word chapter for a book. I had agreed to do a chapter in this youth ministry book a few months ago and then totally spaced it out. A gentle e-mail from Jane (our internal editing guru) reminded me yesterday. Suddenly my Saturday is booked!

In two weeks I begin writing my first novel. Now I don’t read novels let alone write them so this is going to be a huge challenge. I’m going to do a four day writing retreat and hope to get a good chunk of it churned out. Thank the Lord that on this project I have a phenomenal co-writer who will make everything look and sound better. But I have a huge task ahead of me in two weeks.

To be honest I don’t know if I can do it. What I mean is that, although I’ve written six books and tons of dramas for Dare 2 Share, I don’t know if I have the writing chops to pull off a novel. It is a genre of writing that I’m not all that familiar with. But as the old French proverb goes, “The most dangerous swordsman in France is the one who has never wielded a sword before.”

Would you please pray for me as I wield my sword/pen/laptap/you-get-the-idea over this writing retreat? Pray that God will guide me and use this supernatural thriller to make people everywhere to think about the eternal in a fresh, old way. That’s right old. I’m praying that the ancient truths of the eternal will penetrate deeply into the hearts and souls of those who read this book in an immensely relevant way. I’m praying that many come to Jesus through it.

Actually, to start with, I’m just praying that I can write it.

Pray with me.

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