The Fight for Teens

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier


There’s a generation in crisis

Right before our very eyes.

Can you feel their secret pain?

Can you hear their silent cries?


Suicide and school shootings

Are now a common thing.

Death is right among us

And teens can feel its sting.


Some turn to social media

Being fed by just their feed.

Measuring their self-worth

By the lives that others lead.


Some turn to drugs and alcohol

And look for hope in highs.

But short-term satisfaction

Cannot stop their inner cries.


A handful turn to violence

They bully, they fight, they kill.

They take vengeance for their pain

And innocent blood is spilled.


We mourn the loss and make a plan.

We lock our schools down tight.

We hire guards and enact laws

We won’t go down without a fight!


But there is another enemy

Invisible to human eyes.

He whispers lies in tingling ears

And cheers when our teens die.


Satan’s army is in the millions

And he has a plan to win.

Armed with empty promises

He destroys our teens with sin.


But now’s the time for us to fight

It’s not just through locks and laws.

It’s through prayer and the Gospel.

It’s through the power of God!


It’s by energizing every church

To mobilize their youth

To gospelize their schools

Until teens hear the truth


Until they hear the truth that Jesus

Died for them upon a cross.

Enduring ultimate grief and pain

He entered into human loss.


Until they hear the hope of Jesus

That he was raised up from the dead

So they too can be resurrected

From this life of sin and death.


So rise up church and be the church!

Let’s fight for these young lives!

Upon our knees we’ll call on God

And then we will arise!


We’ll rise to charge the gates of hell

To snatch teens from the flames!

We’ll fight the fight until it’s won!

And we’ll win in Jesus’ Name!


Dedicated to the victims and survivors of the most recent school shooting in Parkland,Florida.


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