There are a ton of conspiracy theories floating around out there. And I’ve noticed that Christians tend to easily embrace them.
I’m not here to argue which theories are true or false. But it seems to me that what drives much of this conspiracy obsession is the assumption that there’s something nefarious going on out there that the general public doesn’t know about.
Spoiler alert: There is.
What’s the big secret?
Ultimately, it’s not the food industry or Big Pharma.
It’s not the leaders behind the leaders behind the leaders pulling the strings.
It’s not the government holding back files about UFOs or people duping us about the shape of the planet.
Rather, it’s Satan and his army of fallen angels.
This “conspiracy theory” is real—and it’s more influential than we can imagine. And the evil agenda of these wicked beings is nothing new.
The apostle Paul wrote about it two millennia ago:
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Ephesians 6:12
The devil and his evil horde are conspiring against you and me. Who knows—they may even be using online conspiracy theories (whether true or not) to distract us from our real invisible enemy and the ultimate unseen battle.
What’s the impact?
How many precious hours do Christians waste scrolling on social media platforms to investigate or comment on these wild theories?
Again, I’m not saying that all conspiracy theories are wrong. Some are probably true.
What I’m saying is this: We should care far more about the conspiracy that Satan is planning against us. He’s using every weapon in his vast armory to deceive, distract, discourage, and destroy us! Whether or not a man actually landed on the moon doesn’t matter at all compared with the fact that Satan and crew were cast to Earth and are invisibly waging war against humanity.
We should spend far more time in God’s Scrolls (the Bible) than we do scrolling for the latest conspiratorial tidbits on TikTok.
We should ask ourselves if one of the reasons Satan may be winning in our lives is because we’ve become so obsessed with these theories that we’re ignoring the ultimate conspiracy theory—which happens to be true!
An easy test is this simple question: How much time you do you spend reading and meditating on God’s Word versus scrolling these theories? If you spend more time on the latter, then perhaps you’ve fallen victim to the ultimate conspiracy.
What’s the remedy?
Break the chain now!
Through the power of God’s Spirit, make God’s Word your new and forever obsession. Master it, and let its truth master you. Preach its truth online and in person.
In short, be a person of the Word and not another conspiracy theorist in the herd.
Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith… 1 Peter 5:8-9
Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Ephesians 6:13