5 Reasons you and your team should attend the “Riding The Rhino” One Day event this year

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

Learn more about the Dare 2 Share One Day Trainings!Last week we finished our first One Day youth leader training in Denver. It was a spiritually powerful and immensely practical event that prepared youth leaders from across Colorado to build a youth ministry that makes a difference for eternity. Here are 5 reasons you and your team should attend the One Day closest to you!

1.  Riding the Rhino is a powerful (and fun) picture of the kingdom of God advancing through your youth ministry.

As Matthew 11:12 reminds us, “The kingdom of God is forcefully advancing and forceful men lay hold of it”…and hold on for the ride of their lives!

These One Day events are held on Saturdays from 9:30-3:30 in cities across the nation and they are super fun. The idea of a charging rhino carries the day, and it will carry you and your team into strategic discussions you’d never imagine. 

2.  You’ll get a chance to rethink your vision and strategy for youth ministry with a group of like-hearted youth leaders from across your region.

There’s nothing like the buzz of youth leaders from different backgrounds, regions and denominations conspiring together for a Gospel cause. Youth leaders will learn from each other as this event is held around round tables and there is plenty of “get up and switch tables” kind of action. The result? New relationships built and new ideas spawned!

3.  You’ll discover a radical new paradigm of youth ministry (that’s actually 2,000 years old!)

We will be unpacking the 7 values of a Gospel Advancing ministry in a way that is distinctly unique from last year’s One Day training. I call it “turning the diamond” as we will see new insights from the Scriptures regarding the diamond-like brilliance of this early church philosophy of ministry.

You and your adult leaders will leave firmly grounded in these values and excited to ride the rhino with your youth group for the glory of God!

4.  The interaction and workshop time is worth the price of admission.

One of the best things about this day is the interaction and workshop time. This year we have built this time to be super simple and easy to apply. When we kicked off the first One Day in Denver, we were all pleasantly surprised how this year’s workshop time worked so smoothly and effectively. Youth leaders and their teams left with plans that were compelling and practical. You will too!

5.  Your team will bond while on mission together.

The best of friends are made in foxholes. There’s something about whirling bullets and a life-or-death mission that unites two soldiers for life. 

Although you and your team won’t be facing whirling bullets, you are facing the fiery arrows of the Evil One. And you are on the ultimate mission of reaching the next generation for Jesus! This One Day training will unite you all together on this common vision with uncommon courage.

For more information about the One Day event closest to you, click here.

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