My 10 favorite moments at the #D2SReverse Tour in Columbus

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

Columbus-City1. Seeing Desperation Band finally roll in on Friday at 5:45 pm (just in time for a quick sound check) after a night and a day of travel woes.

2. Bringing my son to the stage and using his all access pass as an example of how we have all access to the throneroom of God through prayer. (He turned 13 last Thursday so I took him on the road as a birthday gift!)

3. Witnessing MASSIVE response to the gospel and the challenge to “Live in Reverse” on Friday night.

4. Doing the session on “excellence and evangelism” with Propaganda and Zane Black on Saturday afternoon (“Pop! Pop! Pop!” still makes me laugh!)

5. The awkward silence mixed with laughter after the “Turn or Burn” Sketch…for all it’s humor it has a thought-provoking point.

6. When Zane Black and the Torn Curtain Arts actors finally came in on Friday after a day and night of travel woes.

7. The look in the eyes of the youth leaders in the “Lead Differently” youth leader session. Those youth leaders were all in and serious about advancing THE Cause.

8. The nervous feeling you could sense in the youth leader room when someone interrupted me right in the middle of the session and others joined in.

9. Getting coffee, syrup and a “were going to reach our community for Jesus” affirmation from our Canadian friends (Tim Loveday and crew!)

10. Watching a youth group “adopt” my boy and take him out on their evangelism experience.

It was a privilege to talk to so many students and youth leaders who get it and are getting it. God is raising up an army of Gospel-Advancing Ministries that are going to shake the midwest with the good news of Jesus. That final prayer session and commissioning on Saturday night put the exclamation point on a great weekend for the glory of God!

What was your favorite part of the Columbus conference?

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