The Power of Love (Emily’s Story)

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

Emily's StoryNot too long ago I received this e-mail from Emily. She lives a few blocks from us and her mom is a teacher in the same county my wife is. Once in awhile Emily babysits our kids and housesits for us. She told me that she had been to a Dare 2 Share conference and that it really impacted her but I didn’t know her full story until she sent me this. She gave me permission to share it with you.

“I grew up in a Christian home. We did church, Awana and every VBS. But after multiple knee surgeries stole my dream of playing college soccer, I became depressed. Overwhelmed by the stress of my injuries and a series of family problems, I shut down. My faith was nonexistent. I still believed in God, but I was angry at Him.

My youth leader took me to Dare 2 Share. The first day I was in a fog. But on day two Greg shared that he drew a heart on his hand every conference to remind him that his family loves him and God loves him, and when he described God’s incredible love for me, suddenly my entire body was filled with goosebumps and tears began to fall. It was God. I knew it was Him. Everything I was told at that conference went into place that minute. I rededicated my life to Christ. And the 5,000 pound weight on my shoulders was lifted.

God touched my heart at Dare 2 Share. I drew a heart on my wrist every day for a year and eventually got it tattooed. I am now a leader in our church. I’ve travelled many places and shared my faith with many people. I’m no longer pursuing soccer as a dream. I’m pursuing something far bigger and more satisfying—God’s calling.

When churches and youth groups ask me for ideas to do with their students, I always say Dare 2 Share!”

It was the power of God’s love that overwhelmed Emily and propelled her into a life of service to the King! That same love can do the same for you and your teenagers.

Join us at the Dare 2 Share “Fearless” tour and you and your teenagers, like Emily, can learn how to fearlessly make known the mystery of the Gospel! This powerful conference, based on the book of Ephesians, will unleash the power of God’s love into the hearts of your teenagers to make them fearless in Christ!

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