Highlights from Lead THE Cause Chicago (Part 1)

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

Lead THE Cause Chicago

We are almost at the midway of Lead THE Cause in Chicago and I already have a list of highlights from this power-packed week. Here are a few…

1. Zane’s Beard (it’s epic!)

2. Conversations with teenagers in the hallways. So many teenagers from so many places ready to share their faith!

3. The Prayer Meeting at Moody Memorial Church. It was so powerful to hear teenagers read their “letters to God” that they wrote after a prayer walk through downtown Chicago. The power of these prayers brought tears to many eyes (including mine) as these teenagers called out to God on behalf of their lost friends.

4. The “Internationals”…this week we have India, Canada, South Africa, Puerto Rico, Australia and New Zealand represented! These men of God are ready to take what they learn at Lead THE Cause back to their own countries! Pray for them as they do!

5. Doug’s Dance. Although he’s a full on white boy, he owns it. “The Bus” is hard to beat as a large group dance-along-song.

6. Worship. Stephen Miller and his band have done a GREAT job leading us in worship.

7. The Youth Leader Sessions. It’s so fun to watch youth leaders “get” what we’re going for and then take it to the next level. Their ideas, insights and excitement becomes the tackling fuel we need to keep on keeping on!

Today teenagers will be unleashed to actually share the Gospel. Pray for them as they do. I expect even more highlights as a result of all the evangelism that will happen for the rest of this week!

If you are at Lead THE Cause in Chicago what’s been your highlight so far?

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