10 ways to make evangelism a habit

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

Christians often ask me how it is possible that I have so many stories about evangelistic opportunities in my everyday life. It’s not because I’m some lost person magnet. Unlike Paul in the Philippian jail people don’t just run up to me and ask, “What must I do to be saved?” No, the reason I have so many stories is simply because I’ve been intentional about making evangelism a habit in my everyday life.

Below is a list of practical tips that have helped me make evangelism an on-going habit. My prayer is that these same principles that have helped so much over the years will enable you to develop a lifestyle of evangelism as well.

1. Pray for opportunities to share Jesus at the start of each day (Psalm 96:3)

2. Write down the names of 3 non-Christians to pray for consistently (Colossians 4:2-6)

2. Don’t think of “them” as neighbors, co-workers or strangers. Think of others as people who need God’s love (Matthew 9:36)

3. Look for salvation segues in your everyday conversations (Ephesians 5:15,16)

4. Ask others how you can pray for them? You’d be surprised by how people often open up personally and spiritually! (Romans 10:1)

5. Forward well done evangelistic videos with the note, “I’d love to get your thoughts on this!” (Colossians 4:4)

6. Keep a few evangelistic books in your car to give to others at appropriate times (John 20:31)

7. Ask them what they thought about the video or book the next time you see them face to face (Acts 8:30)

8. Invite a family to church and then take them out to lunch afterward to talk about it (John 1:41,42)

9. Get trained to share your faith (Acts 1:8)

10. Make evangelistic story-telling part of your weekly Sunday school, Bible study or discipleship group (Acts 14:27)

What are some ways that you make evangelism a habit in your life?

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