7 reasons you shouldn’t let any of your teens miss the Dare 2 Share “Follow” Tour

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

ministries-25767-2Having just completed the first conference of the brand new Dare 2 Share “Follow” Tour I have a short list of 7 reasons you should bring your teenagers (or, if you’re already signed up, more of them) to this particular tour. Here they are:

1. The Friday night drama and Saturday lunchtime “Jesus’ eyes experience” will transform the way your teens see others. Their hearts will be broken for their lost friends and their eyes will be opened to their hurts.

2. Zane and Esteban nail it during their teaching segments. They will teach your teenagers deep truths in clear and relevant ways. Your teens will never see Jesus the same again. (Oh yeah, I am teaching too!)

3. Everfound brings the energy of the room to a crescendo and create an atmosphere where teens can worship God with thousands of other teens in a powerful way.

4. Moral One is a phenomenal DJ that makes the room feel like a holy dance party.

5. The sketches are hilarious this year…you and your teens will be talking about the Friday night Glee club sketch for a long time!

6. We will be unveiling a brand new vision for reaching hundreds of thousands of teenagers across the nation with a powerful and new evangelistic resource (that’s free for Dare 2 Share youth leaders who commit to the vision!)

7. Saturday night may be in the top two Dare 2 Share finales of all time! Powerful!!!

If you attended Dare 2 Share in Washington DC last weekend what are some other reasons youth leaders should bring all of their teens to the “Follow” conference nearest them?

Click here for more info on how to sign your teens up today.

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