Make Some GREAT Goals This Summer!

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

What makes a goal GREAT? A GREAT goal is one that can focus you in life and ministry. It’s big enough to require faith but realistic enough to avoid being truly foolish. And a GREAT goal has GREAT outcomes.

A few months ago, I made some goals that sounded GREAT at the time, but then I totally failed to accomplish them. Unforeseen circumstances (ranging from an extreme case of bronchitis to massive house-related emergencies)combined with a crazy-busy travel scheduleresulted in a just-forget-it attitude. My hashtag could easily have been #EpicFail.

So when you fail to accomplish a goal, do you just give up? No! You prayerfully and thoughtfully make another GREAT goal to go for. The very process of “failing forward” is progress. And if you fail, do you live under the burden and guilt of not succeeding completely? No! No! No! Seeking and striving to accomplish GREAT Goals in the power of God should be a blast not a burden, because as believers we should operate on the fuel of grace, not guilt!

So, with that in mind, what exactly is a GREAT goal?

God-honoring (Does it bring maximum glory to God?)
Radical (Is it big enough to require divine intervention?)
Exact (Is it specific and measurable?)
Achievable (Has it crossed the line to foolishness?)
Time-sensitive (Does it have a deadline?)

With this in mind, I’m compiling a short list of GREAT goals for this summer. It all kicks off Monday morning and ends the last day of August. I’m setting three GREAT goals in various areas of my life. Once I finish my list, I’m going to recruit three people to pray for me and encourage me as I seek to accomplish them.

Join me in making some GREAT goals for this summer. They can relate to physical fitness, finances, spiritual disciplines, relational health, ministry impact—however God leads. Pray about what they should be. Write them down. Then go for it!

If you, like me, have failed to fully accomplish goals you’ve set for yourself in the past (for whatever reason), don’t let that discourage you. Like Army soldiers, we can learn to “improvise, adapt, and overcome.” Like the early disciples, we can do it all in the power of the Spirit and for the glory of God.

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