One day I woke up and realized, “Hey, we are Dare 2 Share and we have never filmed our own evangelism training curriculum!”
Sure, we filmed Gospel Journey and Gospel Journey Maui, both reality series that show Zane Black and yours truly sharing our faith. God has (and still is) using both of these evergreen video series to show teenagers what faith sharing looks like when done in a conversational, non-confrontational style.
But we have never filmed our own video series that actually trains teenagers how to share the good news, as we say, “From take off to touch down.”
And, today, that’s all about to change.
I won’t give you all the details yet but the new series is called “Shine” and is based on Philippians 2:15-16 where Paul tells us we are to “shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life.”
We have recruited six Christian teenagers from across the nation, who are at various “levels” of sharing their faith. They are all flying into Colorado today and the filming begins tonight. For the next four days or so we will be using the beautiful Rocky Mountains as our canvas to paint a picture of what faith sharing should look like.
I guess it not technically a “reality series” but it is going to full of real, raw conversations about sharing the good news in a bad new culture. And it’s all going to be combined with mountain activities that should help spur the conversations on.
It’s our prayer that, when teenagers are finished watching it and going through the accompanying curriculum, they will be fully equipped to share the good news in a clear, complete and compelling way.
Stay tuned for more info on this exciting new series coming out next January.
In the meantime would you pray for the six cast members, our film and production crews and yours truly to be safe during all of our mountain experiences? Pray that the weather is great, the activities are greater and the conversations are the greatest. Pray that God gives these teenagers the freedom to be gut-level honest and that real breakthroughs happen both in their lives during this film shoot and in the lives of the hundreds of thousands of teenagers (millions?) across the nation who will watch it in the years to come.
Pray that God uses this new film series in a powerful way to “energize a generation to evangelize their world.”
Stay tuned to my Twitter and Instagram for more info between today and Sunday. Or just search for the hashtag #ShineD2S