SALT…creating thirst

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

file4411253235491We are excited about our latest outreach tool at Dare 2 Share called “SALT…creating thirst.” The core strategy behind it is to use thought provoking short videos to trigger gospel conversations among teenagers. There are five high quality videos that ask big life questions WITHOUT providing an answer. The Christian teenagers showing their friends the video then can dive into the message of Jesus with their friend.

These 5 gospel conversation starter videos in the SALT curriculum also come along with 5 training videos (Zane Black and yours truly) as well as some killer curriculum. This curriculum will help your teenagers answer the question that the shorter videos pose and enable them to navigate a gospel conversation effectively.

You’ve heard the old saying, “You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink.” Well, you can salt its oats. That’s exactly what these videos do…they salt conversations and create a spiritual thirst that can open the door to gospel conversations.

You can pick up the SALT curriculum in the Dare 2 Share online store. In the meantime check out one of the gospel-conversation-starter video pieces to SALT…

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