THE Cause Poem

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

There is a bigger mission,
One great work left undone.
It is the final challenge,
Given by God’s Son.

Called to share the gospel,
Lost souls we must win,
Proclaim this message boldly,
And rescue them from sin.

For every second people live
As slaves to death and sin,
Decimates their very souls,
And rots them from within.

If they don’t hear what Jesus did
When he died upon the cross,
Then in utter shame they will die
Forever they’ll be lost.

But their shame will be ours to share
If we fail to bear His shame,
By preaching the simple gospel,
And lifting high His Name.

The world waits in the balance,
Hovering between heaven and hell
Will you do all you can do
To make a difference now?

The Cause it waits in silence
For you to seize the day,
Let’s mobilize a generation
To show this world His way.

Radical Like Jesus

21 Challenges to Live a Revolutionary Life

You are meant for more. God has called you to live a radical life for Him — one that makes a lasting impact on this world. Like Jesus did.

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