Top 10 things I do to stay in physical and spiritual shape

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

Physical and Spiritual Health

“For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.” 1 Timothy 4:8

While I’m no gym rat or beacon of health and fitness, I do try to take care of myself both physically and spiritually. With the amount of time I spend traveling and my advancing age (turning 50 soon!) it’s really important to make sure the body and soul are working in harmony at optimum levels. It’s hard to do effective ministry when you’re tired, our of shape or spiritually flabby. To keep in shape I’ve adopted 10 practices that I try to stick to consistently:

1. Go on a long prayer walk at least once a week. It’s here where I really pour out my heart to God and deal with issues that are hovering over my head or heavy on my heart. Depending on how far I walk these can count for both a physical and spiritual workout!

2. Exercise at least 5x’s a week, usually in my basement. I mix and match T-25, P90X3, Insanity and BodyBeast. Most of these workouts can also be done on the road in my hotel room as well.

3. Guard my morning quiet times. I like to read through the Bible at least once a year and mark the tar out of my Bible (underlining and jotting notes in the margins) along the way.

4. Get a full night’s sleep. Eight hours is more than enough. Anything less than six is not. I shoot for somewhere in-between.

5. Drink lots of water (I try to drink 100 ounces a day!)

6. Journal my prayers during significant events in my life.

7. Turn off the radio in my car to spend time in prayer for the day.

8. Eat 90% good food and 10% whatever I want.

9. Try to get a promise or a verse in my quiet times to reflect on for that particular day.

10. The older I get (turn 50 in August) the more I spend time stretching and working on flexibility.

These are some of the things I do to stay in some what good shape both spiritually and physically. What do you do?

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