Messengers of Hope in Denver

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

We are expecting between 8,500-9,500 teens in Denver this weekend at the Pepsi Center. Pray for all the teens who signed up to be transformed and effectively equipped. Pray for more to even show up at the door. Pray for a movement of God’s Spirit that will radically reform every youth group represented. Pray for the outreach experience to be effective: for thousands to be reached with the gospel and 26 tons of canned food to be collected for the Denver Resuce Mission.

In light of last week’s bad news (Ted Haggard’s fall) Christians need to step up and start spreading the message of hope in a graceful, loving and powerful way. Thousands of teenagers will be messengers of hope all over the streets of Denver this weekend to do just that. The world is becoming more cynical of Christians because of, what they perceive to be, oppressive political agendas and flat out hypocrisy. The only thing that can break that skepticism is authentic love, true service, the Holy Spirit and the gospel of Jesus. All of these are going to be unleashed on the generally unchurched people of Denver this weekend.

But we need your “air support” through prayer as these thousands of “ground troops” invade the Devil’s territory and seek to rescue captives who have been imprisoned by sin and Satan all their lives.

Stay tuned and see what God does through your prayers. And, by the way, if you live anywhere near Denver, make sure you are at the Pepsi Center this weekend and bring a bunch of teens with you!

Game on for GameDay!

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