Moving Teens from Apathy to Action

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

Yesterday we did a fun training webinar for youth leaders called “From apathy to action.” The basic premise was how to move your teenagers from being spiritually apathetic to being activated for God on every level.

This subject is especially relevant in light of the current pandemic where teenagers are locked inside their houses because of shelter-in-place orders. It’s so easy for them to be all about Netflix, video games and social media…instead of the activation of their faith.

This webinar will equip you to give them inspiration (the Why), information (the What), application (the How) and activation (the Now!) In other words, it will help move them from apathy to action! 

When you’re finished watching it be sure to call in to see how you can use Dare 2 Share LIVE to activate your students next school year. Call our team at Dare 2 Share for more information on how to mobilize your teens through this amazing event (800) 462-8355.

Radical Like Jesus

21 Challenges to Live a Revolutionary Life

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