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“Dare 2 Share Uncensored” starts soon!

Greg Stier
Greg Stier

In two or three weeks (notice my lack of specificity) we are going to start podcasting our weekly chapel services. These will “air” on Wednesdays and will be called “Dare 2 Share Uncensored…Youth Ministry and More!”

Our first series is going to be called Ministry to the 10th Power. We are going to go over the ten driving Biblical principles that define and drive Dare 2 Share. My prayer is that the youth leaders, teenagers, donors, and others who listen to/watch these podcasts will be able to “download” what I’m sharing with our staff into their ministry experience.

We’re calling it “uncensored” not because of anything bad, but because our chapel services are a little less planned and a little more dangerous (raw, real, uncut) than other stuff that we do. Think a little less “GOSPEL Journeyesque” and a lot more youtubeish. We are going to open the Bible and exegete God’s Word. We are going to apply it to the lives of our Dare 2 Share staff and hopefully to yours as well. My prayer is that these weekly chapel services will help you grow deeper in relationship with God and infuse more and more of the Great Commission DNA into your life and ministry.

Why am I telling you this? Because I’d love for you to listen in and, if you like it, spread the word. I’ll get the news to you once we have an official launch date with all the details.

See ya!

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