Happy HELL-o-ween

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

“Want to see something REALLY scary?”

This line from an old school scare fest from the eighties (can you guess the movie?) is a perfect halloween zinger. So do you? Do you want to see something REALLY scary?

Beyond the fright night micro goblins and monsters that will be wandering our neighborhoods tonight with a bloodlust for everything that will rot their teeth and fit in a paper bag, is their anything that should scare us? I mean REALLY scare us?

How about hell? There I said it. I used the “H” word (and not on TBN this time!)

Since Halloween is a time when people talk about “the dark side” of other-worldly creatures, why not use it as a discussion about the reality of the real dark side of a Christless eternity? Why not speak about the unspeakable with those who don’t want to think about it?

Last week I was interviewed for an article about the hot subject of hell on Halloween. Parts of the interview appeared today in the Washington Times. You can check it out on this link if you dare (insert evil laugh here)


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