Hoping to make it to Phoenix

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

Pray that I’m able to make it out of Chicago O’Hare today in time for the Dare 2 Share conference in Phoenix tonight. Right now as I look out the window I see snow and blustery winds on the ugly tarmacs of Chicago. As I look up at the arrival/departure computer monitors I see some delayed flights (eeek!) and some cancelled ones (eeek2!) But so far my 11:55am flight is still on.

What’s weird is that I NEVER come in on Friday of the event. I’m anal about everyone getting there the night before. This is the first time in 15 years that I have arrived at an off site city (aka “Not Denver”) on the Friday of the event. Goes to show you why I’m so anal about getting in the city early.

Yeah, yeah I have a back up plan (my Puerto Rican brother from another mother Jose Zayas) but I hate to put the burden of a Dare 2 Share friday night on his shoulders. I know that he’d do a good job…there’s just A LOT of stuff to remember.

What am I doing in Chicago? Yesterday…two training seminars at Willow Creek (they were a lot of fun!) and today a Bible study with business executives downtown (they were a lot of fun too!)

So here’s the prayer list:

  • Pray that I make it in on time to Phoenix this afternoon.
  • Pray for the teens to be impacted and transformed this weekend.
  • Pray that all of our March conferences rock (for his glory of course!)

I remember hearing this quote when I was a teenager, “Satan laughs at our strategies. He mocks at our efforts. But he trembles when we pray.”

Make the Devil tremble with me by getting on your knees right now and asking God to do something HUGE for his BIG name this weekend.

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