Meetings, Meetings and More Meetings

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

I am in three full days of meetings. My staff knows that after about twenty minutes in the wrong kind of meeting my eyes glaze over and my brain wanders. I have AADD (Adult Attention Deficit Disorder). If that’s not a medical disorder it should be. I bet you there is some meeting going on in some university or hospital board room over that right now. They are probably identifying a target demographic to do a test evaluation on so that they can…blah, blah, blah. Excuse me, even mocking unproductive meetings bores me.

Anyway, while I know some meetings are crucial, many are lame. I don’t want to ever be a part of a meeting that is merely going through the motions for meetings sake and accomplishing nothing in the process. Why? Because to accomplish the Great Commission takes action and teamwork, not a proposal stuck in sub committee.

While I fully anticipate these three days of meetings to be immensely productive I can’t wait until they are over. Why? Because we are called to be doers of the word and not “meeters” only.

Gotta go….off to a meeting!

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