I thank God for the Dare 2 Share team

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

Yesterday we had a half day celebration with our staff at Dare 2 Share for what God did through them at the Revolution Tour. It was a great time of food, volleyball, prayer, sharing and jokes. We celebrated almost 50,000 teens equipped across the nation to know, live, share and own their faith in Jesus during the Revolution Tour this last school year. We praised God for the thousands of churches that had been given an action plan to “Get real, go wide and grow deep” in a Great Commission Focused kind of youth ministry model.

I truly thank God for the staff that he has blessed us with at Dare 2 Share. From Molly our extremely friendly and competent volunteer recruiter and coordinator to Glo our fabulous receptionist to Adam our mohawked and pierced data integrity guy to every single one of our hard working, fun loving, passion driven, mission focused, Jesus loving fifty or so employees…thank you for investing your life in this crucial kingdom work.

I love you all. I praise God for each of you and count it an honor to work by your side to reach, train and unleash this generation.

As we prepare for Game Day tour coming up in September we must remind ourselves that to Satan this is no game at all. He is competing with us for the souls of every teenager. The stakes? Heaven and hell! The prize? Revival! The Plan? Attack!

Let’s play to win this summer so that next Fall the tour reaches and equips even more teenagers to be revolutionaries for Jesus.

Game on!

Radical Like Jesus

21 Challenges to Live a Revolutionary Life

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