
Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

I’ve been “nashvilled” (my own word invention thank you very much.) After months of prayer and prep we have finally launched our first conference of the new school year in Nashville, TN.

As we gathered together in music city I was nervous, excited and did I mention nervous? It all looks good on paper but there is nothing like a live audience to tell you whether or not the training content was solid, the skits were funny, the drama was heart wrenching and the music was awesome…or not. Thank the Lord it was. These teens were taken on our first Game Day training experience of the year. We navigated through 2 Timothy 4:1-8 and learned to “GO preach the Word, FIGHT for the truth and WIN the reward. Students learned about Judgment Day (yes, that’s right. We dusted off that old forgotten doctrine and, guess what? The students loved it!) They learned about the inerrancy of Scripture, fighting for the truth when it comes to the movie scene in Hollywood and the music scene in Nashville…and much, much more. Pray for these teens as most of them took The 48 Hour Challenge. By the way, if you were one of them….how did it go?

Radical Like Jesus

21 Challenges to Live a Revolutionary Life

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