Ministry Mutiny…an Introduction

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

Ty is about to quit his youth ministry. In his words, “I have become the babysitter that I have loathed.” One night in a sudden, startling realization he comes to grips with the raw reality that his teenagers are, by and large, spiritually apathetic. After years of youth group meetings, camps, retreats, conferences and countless counseling sessions these teens are spiritually anemic. With fear, trepidation and a whole lot of regret he begins to painstakingly and painfully type out his resignation letter on his church-owned laptop. By the time he is finished his heart is broken and his keyboard is splattered with the salty tears of a torn soul.

This “end” is really no end at all. It’s a beginning. Little does Ty know that he is about to embark on a journey of spiritual discovery that will transform his world forever.

Soon after he tucks the still warm from the printer pages of his resignation letter in his back pocket he goes to one last youth leader network meeting to mentally say goodbye to his professional life as a full-time youth leader. But once there he meets Tony, a twenty plus year youth ministry vet. In that last network meeting Tony becomes Ty’s confessional.

In the hours that follow Ty pours his pain out on Tony’s listening and understanding ears. It is then that Tony introduces Ty to the concept of ministry mutiny. He assures young Ty that this mutiny is not a rebellion against people or pastors, but against a faulty paradigm unknowingly delivered to us by our youth ministry forefathers.

Over the next six days Tony takes Ty on a journey through each of these six principles. Each day takes twists and turns as Ty wrestles with these principles and whether or not they are strong enough reasons to compel him to stay in youth ministry.

Will Ty stay or go?

Can’t he apply these principles as an adult volunteer while working a “real job” that makes more money for his family to live on?

Are these all the principles or are there more?

Join me on this fascinating journey through the story of two lives that collide and one conclusion that will change the course of Ty’s life and ministry forever.

Although I wrote Miinistry Mutiny as fiction I have heard the storyline lived out in countless ways with thousands of youth leaders who are sick and tired, disillusioned and discouraged. My goal is bring them hope through the pages of this book, to let them know that it’s worth it if….It’s worth it if they apply the timeless principles of God’s Word to their lives and ministries in real and relevant ways. In a sense, there is nothing new in this book. I’m not bright enough to invent new solutions so I’ve gone to an old book (AKA “the Bible”) to find the answers. My prayer is that you leave this book and blog encouraged, energized and enabled to change the course of your youth ministry…and maybe even your life.

At the end of each of my blogs about Ministry Mutiny I will ask questions. My hope is that you join in the conversation. Please share your insights, questions, disagreements and ideas about each principle of Ministry Mutiny. I sure don’t have this whole thing called Youth Ministry nailed. But I’m learning and failing forward everyday. Come join me in this quest to transform youth ministry…starting with you and me!


  • Have you ever known somebody like Ty who is discouraged, depressed and sickened at their youth ministry situation?
  • Have you ever felt like quitting youth ministry? Why or why not?
  • What are the major factors in youth leaders feeling discouraged in the average church?
  • What words of encouragement would you have for youth leaders?

Comment on the 6 Youth Ministry Principles of Ministry Mutiny

  1. Listen for God’s Whisper
  2. Get Real
  3. Go Wide
  4. Grow Deep
  5. No More Outsourcing!
  6. Build on Values, Not Fads
  7. What principles did I miss, get wrong, understate or overstate?

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