Our first father/son trip

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

As I type these words I’m on a plane sitting next to my six year old boy. It is our first father/son trip together. We’ve been on plenty of family trips. But this is the first one where Jeremy and I are flying solo.

About a month and a half ago I was asked by the good folks who work with Jay Strack if I’d be willing to fill in as a keynote in the place of a speaker who dropped out of their youth leaders’ summit. My immediate mental response was a firm “no.” I’ve gotten good at saying “no” to good things (as it’s been said sometimes the enemy of the best is the good.) To be honest the timing could not have been worse to say “yes” to anything. We are right in the middle of the last leg of our training tour. We have been going back to back to back, to the point where my back and just about everything else hurts.

But when I asked where this youth leader’s summit thingamabob was being held all bets were off (no it’s not Vegas.) The place where they are holding this powerhouse youth leader event is the vacation destination for millions of people across the world (no it’s not Lincoln, Nebraska.) 

We are on our way to Orlando!

The training that I do tomorrow is at Universal Studios in the Hard Rock Café. There should be somewhere around 1,500 youth leaders getting fired up and trained up and later on jacked up on the crazy, mindblowing rides at the park.

I can’t wait. Neither can Jeremy.

When they asked me if I could fill in for them as a keynote I did a little negotiation. Since I don’t personally take any of my honorariums (they all go to “feed the beast” that is Dare 2 Share) every once in awhile I’ll see if I can negotiate in a little fun time with my  family. I asked them if they could throw in a few days at the parks for me and my little boy. They didn’t hesitate and I’m glad. 

Don’t get me wrong I really am looking forward to speaking to these youth leaders. I have a message that I can’t wait to communicate to them. By God’s grace I believe it will challenge and encourage them to realize that youth ministry, done the right way with the right heart, is worth it. 

But there is another ministry I’m really, really excited about: the ministry of spending time with my little boy. My prayer is that trips like this will help fill his little memory banks with times on the road ministering by daddy’s side (okay and riding a roller coaster or two too!) 

I can’t wait to take my first father/daughter trip alone with Kailey. 

Hey sweetie, take care of my little girl when I’m gone! We love you both and miss you already!


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