Preaching at Promise Keepers

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

This weekend I preached at my final Promise Keeper’s event of the season. It was in Colorado Springs (about an hour and fifteen minute drive from my casa.) On one hand preaching at the likes of PK is a pretty intimidating gig. Going after the likes of Bob Reccord (eloquent), Bishop Garlington (brilliant) and Stu Webber (powerful) can be a little overwhelming for a blue collar preacher like me. Many of the guys who grace the pulpit at Promise Keepers are preaching legends. Being on the same stage is tantamount to playing a pick up game of one-on-one with Michael Jordan in the sports world.

But that’s okay. Why? because preaching is not about the little “who” but the big “Who”. Spurgeon said something like, “There are two types of sermons. After the first type people leave saying, ‘What a great sermon.’ After the second they say, ‘What a great Christ!'” My prayer is that all the sermons preached at PK this last weekend made the men in the World Arena in Colorado Springs honor Jesus and forget about us.

Yes, preaching at PK can be intimidating, but it can also be pretty exciting. These guys are fired up and genuinely want to do something when it comes to reaching out and making a difference in the lives of those around them. Bunches of them are excited about working with Dare 2 Share now as well. My good buddy Reggie Dabbs did a shout out about Dare 2 Share and our booth got stormed by youth leaders, pastors and men concerned about reaching the youth of America with the mission and message of Jesus.

Anyway, that’s that. Time to narrow my focus to my true calling: raising up an army of teenagers to know, live, share and own their faith in Jesus.

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