It’s worth it! (a short message of encouragement for youth leaders)

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

It’s worth it.

It’s worth the pain and strain.

It’s worth the small paychecks and big problems.

It’s worth the sideways glances from charter members with an agenda.

It’s worth the stains in the carpets from last night’s pizza party.

It’s worth the frustration of feeling that somehow it’s not all worth it.

It is.

Remember the youth leader Elijah?

He had a big event that he thought would make his youth group surrender to Jesus.

The stains he left weren’t from spilt Diet Coke but split blood from false prophets.

But instead of revival he got in trouble with the leadership team.

Instead of getting a raise, he got a love note from the Queen that he soon would be dead.

40 days later he is stuck in a cave, wondering if it was all worth it.

The Lord showed him that his mode of revival wasn’t usually usually through the “big event”,

Not through the hurricanes, earthquakes and firestorms.

His power was through the gentle whisper of day-to-day obedience.

God reminded him that it was all worth it. After all 7,000 had not yet bent the knee to Baal.

It’s worth it youth leader.

Go to your cave and listen for the whisper…

And realize that many of your teens have not bowed the knee to Baal because of you.

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