Swimming with the fishes

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

It’s better than sleeping with the fishes I guess. Today we had the awesome privilege of swimming in the best snorkeling area you can imagine. There was every type of fish (except shark) that you could shake a pointy stick at (harpoon?) and even a giant turtle! What a blast! Although we got confronted by enviro-guy about where we entered the snorkeling zone all in all it was a great time.

Later on we got to go on a whale watching boat trip and we got to see tons of humpback whales. There were at least fifteen sightings of these beautiful and elusive mammals. Our God is an awesome God. It is amazing to witness his wonderous creation.

As we get closer to the GOSPEL Journey filming days (starting Monday night) I can’t help but be reminded that the same God that made all of this spectacular beauty is the same God who can transform these young souls with the message of Jesus.

The time is almost here…

Please continue to pray with me that our great God and King prepares the hearts of everyone involved in the GOSPEL Journey Maui filming project to be forever transformed.

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